Car replaced - what to do with the roof rack?

Thule roof bar systems, such as the Thule Evo and Thule Edge, are designed with flexibility in mind to adapt to various car models and roof types. If you`re changing vehicles, you might only need to replace a few components of your existing roof rack system. To find out which parts are compatible with your new car, visit and use our roof bar search tool. This tool will help you identify which rack components are suitable for your new vehicle.

What are the Differences Between Thule Evo and Thule Edge?

The Thule Evo and Thule Edge systems are two popular roof bar options that offer different advantages. Both systems are compatible with various car models, but their installation components differ, featuring different adapters and feet. If your car has raised rails, these adapters are not needed; however, they are required for vehicles with a naked roof, integrated rails, or fixing points.


Example: Both Thule roof rack systems show the installation of the bars on a car with raised rails, where Thule feet are used to attach the roof bars.



Thule Evo feet (left image), Thule Edge feet (right image

  1. Roof crossbar
  2. Thule foot (left in the first image – Evo, right in the second image – Edge foot)
  3. Adapter kit (visible only in the Edge series). These adapter kits are varied for all other vehicle body types (bare roof, integrated rails, fixing points). Cars with raised rails will never need adapter kits. These vehicles will only require two components – bars and feet with pre-attached mounts.

Roof Bar System Components

A Thule roof bar system consists of:

  • Adapter kits – specifically tailored to your vehicle`s parameters, such as roof types, integrated rails, and fixing points.
  • Feet – designed to adapt to your car`s roof type, like raised rails or naked roofs.
  • Roof bars – selected based on your car’s width and roof type.

Adapter kits are necessary to attach roof bars to your vehicle`s roof. These kits include special mounting devices that fit uniquely to your car`s roof. Feet are used to provide stability and secure the roof bars to the vehicle. Roof bars provide the required length for a successful installation of the system on your vehicle`s roof.

Thule Roof Bars – Two Generations

Currently, Thule roof bars are available in two generations:

  • Old generation (before 2019) is still compatible with the new feet, but the old feet cannot be combined with the new adapter kits.
  • New generation (after 2019) features improved components that are only compatible with the new adapter kits and feet.

What Can Be Reused?

  • Old Thule roof bars are compatible with the new feet.
  • Old Thule feet are not compatible with the new adapter kits, and vice versa – old adapter kits are not compatible with the new roof bars and feet.

Example Scenario: If you have old or new generation Thule feet with an adapter kit for your new car, any Thule roof bars, whether old or new generation, will fit if they are the correct length.

If you have old or new generation roof bars in the correct length for your new vehicle, you only need to purchase new Thule feet and an adapter kit tailored to your new car model.

If you purchased Thule roof bars before 2019 for your old car, which wasn`t equipped with raised rails, you`ll need to purchase both new Thule feet and a new adapter kit. If the roof bars from your previous car are the correct length for your new car, you can reuse them without the need to buy new bars.

Customer Support

If you have any questions or need additional help with your roof rack components or installation, we are here to assist you! Please contact us, providing the following information:

  • Roof bar system brand, model, year, and roof type for both your old and new vehicles.
  • Images of your current roof rack system. If unsure, also provide images of both your old car`s roof structure and your new car’s roof structure.

Contact us by calling at +371 20611122 or visiting Pildas iela 16b, Riga, LV-1035.

+371 20611122 Pildas street 16b, Riga, LV-1035
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